Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Feeding the Power Plant

Part of our daily routine besides going to the pool is ordering food. As Kelly would attest I can barely boil water. Therefore, part of my current job is to find local cafes and restaurants that will make healthy portions, most when they find out we're having Quadruplets add a few extra appetizers! Her daily lunch requests usually revolve around Red Robin gourmet burgers. (Yes, her Doctor orders!)Today it was Outback. I'm however with her watchful eye from the bed post, attempting a few dishes here and there.

The local library here is nice. Michael met a set of twins his age today. The Girl-Boy tandem made a quick impression on him until the the girl tried to takeover! I'm sure he can't wait to lead this troop that's coming.

We found out today that her Hemoglobin was 8.4 (anything under 10 is consider low), so it was off to the lab for iron studies. She's taking iron supplements, Tums and pre-natal vitamins now...any more pills and Kelly may lose it! Coming soon BELLY PICS!

Below is a link to the hospital website discussing the number of HOM (Higher Order Multiple) patients currently under there care.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Mike and family! Just a quick greeting from Germany... I was so excited to read about the babies! Lots of love and prayers coming from us... Andrea (Besser) and family