Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Three Down One to GO....

Today in HOM(higher-order-multiple) Land, Rachelle Wilkinson delivered at 34wks. Remember on this road there were Sextuplets, Quintuplets, Quadruplets, and Triplets all within a few weeks of each other at the same hospital. They have now all delivered and we are up next. Her infants collectively weighed over 21lbs! She actually set a record for total infant weight. Her largest child was over 5lbs! We met her at several office visits and were encouraged by her progress. Being three weeks behind that couple has shed a tremendous light on our path in this journey.

Today we met with the writer from Newsweek. She came to the condo with the hospital PR director Jennifer Poole. I was extremely fortunate that Jennifer called just after the Quints delivered to alert me that the hospital photographer would come as well. I may not have made it out of Arizona alive if I had missed that call! Kelly looked beautiful for the interview and we even managed to take a portrait with Michael. The writer interviewed the Masche Sextuplets and Wilkinson Quints before talking with us. Apparently, her deadline is in three weeks, so our boys pictures may not make the story, but it will be close. Pictured below is the group that came for the interview. The writer is on Kelly's left.

Yesterday Kelly had the first of five IV Iron therapy treatments. She tolerated them well and her next visit is 8/1. Two days until we get our next fetal weights. I can't wait!

Michael and Kailey continue to entertain each other. Whether its watching "the Wizard of OZ" as they did today, or simulating cooking on the patio, they are our comic relief!

Kelly is fast asleep...up next 31.2 wks...everyday is a blessing! TMM


The Murray Crew said...

Just found you through Suz's blog, you guys are doing awesome! You guys already have two kids, so there will definetly be some challenges that we do not face, but knowing how much negativity people tend to have toward having this many kids, I wanted to encourage you how great the past 6 months have been for me as a dad. Quads are just flat out fun, very busy, very difficult, but a blast. Get past those first two months or so, and you will have all of the routines down and really be able to enjoy your babies.

We will pray for your family,

Murray quads

Andria said...

Yep, found your blog elsewhere as well. Amazing family you have! What a journey. I love how the kids each claim their own TV-viewing seat! LOL. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.
~Andria (Sacramento)

Jenny B said...

Hoping and Praying things keep going well! God bless!

rileyreese said...

Congratulations!!!!!!! You don't know me but I wanted you to know you are in my thoughts and prayers! My sister has twins and I thought I would give you the website of a handsfree bottle we found it has made feeding 2 easier so it might help with 4!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Kelly and Michael, of course you know my prayers and thoughts are with you on a second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day and month by month basis. I figured it was time to leave a public comment and what appropriate time to do so when I see my child (Thomas Michael) flirting with the lady next to him on the picture for the Newsweek interview. All I can say is you can look forward to four more charming young men showing their charm to women at a young imagine the teenage years :). Love you guys and of course we will talk as usual. Kiss my little man for me !