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Saturday, August 11, 2007

Last Official OB Visit

On Friday we went to our last office visit. Phoenix Perinatal Associates has four locations and we've been to all of them. We actually are staying in Scottsdale, which is about 25min from downtown Phoenix, but this was the first time we visited the Scottsdale location. Remember even though I've rented everything from a Cadillac DTS to a Nissan Armada, which I currently have now, she feels every bump in the road! So the opportunity to travel 5min as opposed to 30min was welcomed. If we couldn't see Dr. Elliott convenience, a word not often used with multiple pregnancies, meant everything.

Dr.Elliott, our lead physician, is mainly at their Glendale location, which is 30min from us, but he's been on vacation from the that office and we' ve subsequently seen the covering "doc" of the day for the last month. Thankfully, they seem to work well together and their management plan stays consistent. Friday Dr.Stephanie Martin, scheduled our admission date at the hospital for August 18th. We also found out that the same resident who participated in the cerclage surgery, will again be on the team with Elliott for the delivery. Remember this is Kelly were talking about here...she wants to know as many details as possible! (maybe she was paying attention through my joyous days of residency!) This was one of the best office visits we've had. Maybe it's because we're nearing the end or the fact that the staff their seemed to go out of there way to cater to us, whatever the case, it went well. Now blogger nation I realize anything can happen between now and then and Dr.Martin did give us the "green-light" to come in anytime before then, but this is the plan as it currently stands. I as you can imagine am in disbelief that she's still in the condo!

Maybe its the view from the patio or access to the kitchen!

The Ultrasound showed the "Alphabets" are doing well, A Biophysical profile, a test to asses fetal status, was reassuring. We have one more BPP scheduled for Tuesday 8/14. Kelly's fast asleep...32.6wks in 15min!!! TMM

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, it's cousin Amber again. I am soooooo excited for you and counting down the days. I am very proud of you Kelly, you are a for real soldier! If you ever need anything from now until you have the babies I am only a phone call away or in your case an email away. Also, I can't forget about ya, I believe you should get the father and husband of the year award! From what I can tell on the web page you are doing a lot and are taking good care of my cousin. You are a blessing!

Love you guys soooo much,