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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Quads Are Getting Restless

As many of you know Kelly is a huge Young and the Restless fan. The 11:00 hour is completely reserved for this purpose. They even have a network these days that show re-runs at night!
Well today it was more about the continuous movements of the babies. It's often difficult to determine whether the pain is coming from movements, contractions, or both. But as her sidelines coach that's supposed to know the difference, it's a challenge! Kelly describes the feeling like being "full-term for the past six weeks". The kicks however fascinating for us to watch and feel, are pretty painful.

If any of you get a chance to watch the National Geographic program "In the Womb-Multiples" it illustrates an interesting look inside the womb.

I took Michael to the park...112 degrees! Needless to say we didn't stay long, but he had a good time and more importantly it wore him out! I did learn today that the local malls have some nice indoor facilities for the kids so we'll check them out tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Hey Michael, Kelly, TMike, and the Boys.....This is the cutest site ever and the pics are too cute. We are so excited for you guys and can't wait to meet the boys. TMike and Deuce are going to have fun with the boys and you know Bobby and I will babysit any time ;) Hang in there Kelly we are all praying for you and the boys.

Love Ya'll


Anonymous said...

Kelly and Michael--this is a far cry from the Fisk and Meharry days!! God has prepared you all for these moments and the ones to come. How exciting! Easy for me to say, but really, what a blessing. Most of us are only entrusted to incubated, birth and guide one at a time, you all have four at a time. Take care of babies, Little Thomas, and certainly yourselves. I want to come and help where I can, though I can't stay for a week. Will let you know. Toni Lane

Anonymous said...

I really like this site very informative. Kelly you should have given us a belly shot. Hey T-Mike
when eru coming home to see your girlfriend? Dr. Malone this nice keep everybody busy out there until it's showtime. Bye everybody!

Tamiko 07/19/2007

Anonymous said...

Hey Michael, Kelly, T-Mike... Miss you all very much and can't wait to see you and the quads. Thinking of and praying for you daily.

Mrs. Chester, Tammey & Sha

Anonymous said...

Hey there quad family--- Loved the pics, can't wait to see more. Kelly we want a belly shot to see how big you truly are you look great in the ones posted. We are praying for you guys and the days left until the new blessings of the family arrive. Lucky you Kelly that you will have 5 bodyguards. As mine are they will be very protective of mom. Just think no whinning just hyperactivity. Can't wait until you bring them home. Know that whenever a brake is needed I'm just down the road. My grandaughter (that just doesn't sound right) will have plenty of kids to play with.
Miss you guys
Hugs and Love

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly- This is your big-brother-in-law. Gosh...look at that belly! Good luck. Sweetheart, I miss you.

P.S. Tell Michael and Thomas Michael Hi.


Anonymous said...

We continue to pray for you and your family! One Baby Place!

P.S. your dad "spent the night with us again!" :)